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Medicare Pressure Reducing Support Group I – LCD Coverage

For an item to be covered by Medicare, a detailed written order (DWO) must be received by the supplier before a claim is submitted. If the supplier bills for an item addressed in this policy without first receiving the completed DWO, the item will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.

For some items in this policy to be covered by Medicare, a written order prior to delivery (WOPD) is required. Refer to the DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS section of this LCD and to the NON-MEDICAL NECESSITY COVERAGE AND PAYMENT RULES section of the related Policy Article for information about WOPD prescription requirements.

A Group 1 mattress overlay or mattress (E0181-E0189, E0196-E0199, and A4640) is covered if one of the following three criteria are met:

  1. The beneficiary is completely immobile – i.e., beneficiary cannot make changes in body position without assistance, or
  2. The beneficiary has limited mobility – i.e., beneficiary cannot independently make changes in body position significant enough to alleviate pressure and at least one of conditions A-D below, or
  3. The beneficiary has any stage pressure ulcer on the trunk or pelvis and at least one of conditions A-D below.

Conditions for criteria 2 and 3 (in each case the medical record must document the severity of the condition sufficiently to demonstrate the medical necessity for a pressure reducing support surface):

A) Impaired nutritional status

B) Fecal or urinary incontinence

C) Altered sensory perception

D) Compromised circulatory status

When the coverage criteria for a Group 1 mattress overlay or mattress are not met, the claim will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.

The support surface provided for the beneficiary should be one in which the beneficiary does not “bottom out”. Bottoming out is the finding that an outstretched hand, placed palm up between the undersurface of the mattress overlay or mattress and the beneficiary’s bony prominence (coccyx or lateral trochanter), can readily palpate the bony prominence. This bottoming out criterion should be tested with the beneficiary in the supine position with their head flat, in the supine position with their head slightly elevated (no more than 30 degrees), and in the side-